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Troubleshooting for OSS

My browser cannot load Admin Console (showing error Crypto.subtle is unavailable...)

Admin Console uses Web Crypto API, which requires secure contexts, i.e. HTTPS or HTTP with localhost.

If you use HTTP with an IP address or custom domain, then the browser cannot load Admin Console.

I'm using a custom domain, but my browser cannot load Admin Console (showing error "code": "oidc.invalid_redirect_uri")

If you are using a custom domain rather than localhost, you need to set the environment variable ENDPOINT to the Logto URL. It is because of the strict requirement of Redirect URI in OIDC. See Configuration for details.

I'm using an HTTPS proxy (e.g., Nginx) in front of Logto, but I failed on sign-in (showing error TypeError: Failed to fetch)

  • First, make sure you have set the node environment variable TRUST_PROXY_HEADER to true. See Configuration for details.
  • Also, you need to set X-Forwarded-Proto header to https in your proxy config. See Trusting TLS offloading proxies for details.

I'm facing CORS issues.

  • If ADMIN_ENDPOINT is not specified, localhost:[admin-port] will be allowed to perform Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in Logto.
  • If ADMIN_ENDPOINT is specified, only requests from the origin of ADMIN_ENDPOINT will be allowed.

What is this again? Error: Invalid id token

If you are not messing up with your tokens, then in most cases this is caused by a mismatch of your server time and client time. Sync the time on both your server and client and try again.