Set up Logto OSS
This section covers basic setup steps and key actions to effectively deliver your product and manage your development workflow for Logto open-source service (OSS).
Get started with Logto OSS
Follow the get started guide to launch Logto today, and later you can refer to the full deployment guide for production use.
Feature supported by Logto OSS
Logto OSS supports most core capabilities of the Logto service and is regularly updated and maintained.
Some advanced features are currently exclusive to the Logto Cloud version, including Logto Protected App, free email service, IdP-initiated SSO, and SAML IdP.
Stay updated with Logto releases
To keep your Logto instance up-to-date with the latest features, be sure to follow the Logto GitHub Releases page, you can find all of the release logs there.
Read the guide on updating to learn how to upgrade Logto without changing your code or database schema.
Contributing to Logto OSS
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Logto! Here is the contribution guideline.