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Configure social connectors

Configuring social connectors allows users to easily sign in using their existing social media accounts, without entering a password or basic profile information. This can help increase the registration conversion rate for your website or app. At Logto, we're constantly improving our social connector's capabilities to support new platforms and enhance the user experience.

Logto offers two types of social connectors:

  • Common social connectors: Google, Apple, Facebook, GitHub, Discord, Wechat, Alipay, Kakao, Naver, Azure Active Directory.
  • Standard connectors: OIDC, OAuth 2.0, SAML.

If the social connector you need isn't among our common social connectors, you can create your own using the standard protocols. Check out our โ€œCustom social connector with standard protocolsโ€ guide to learn more. If the Standard Connector still doesn't meet your needs, don't hesitate to contact us. For those using the Logto Open-Source Version, you can even Write your connector (OSS).