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Protect your API

If you don’t need flexible, granular access control policies, you can simply protect your API directly. We’ll walk you through a sequence diagram and the necessary step show how to integrate access control into your app.

In this tutorial

  • Logto endpoint:
  • Client application:
  • API Resource server:

You should replace these with your actual endpoints when implementing.

Authentication request

Provide a list of resource indicator parameters in an Authentication Request. It will indicate all the protected resource(s) that the user may request.


Logto will validate and store these resource indicators. An authorization_code will be granted and returned with scopes restricted to these specified resources.

Example configuration of Logto SDK:

const config: LogtoConfig = {
// ...other configs
resources: [''],
scopes: ['read', 'write'],

Token request

When the resource parameter is present on a Token Request along with the authorization_code granted above, it will specify the target API Resource audience of the access token is requested.

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


An encrypted access token with the audience restricted to this requested resource will be granted by Logto. The token carries all the data you will need to represent the authorization status of the request. E.g., the request user's identity and role, the token's audience and expiration time.

Example code of Logto SDK:

const accessToken = await logtoClient.getAccessToken('');

The accessToken’s payload will contain:

iss: '<your-logto-endpoint>/oidc',
aud: '',
scope: 'read write'

Request to the API resource

The client user sent a request to the API Resource by presenting the given access_token in the Authorization header.

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUz...

Logto follows the standard token-based authorization protocol to protect your API Resources. To learn more about OAuth 2.0, please refer to OAuth 2.0's official document.

Validate authorization tokens for API requests

Logto issues a standard JWT format authorization token for each authorized API request. The token is encrypted and signed as a JWS token.

Understanding JWS token

An encoded JWS token is constructed with three parts:

  • JOSE Header: Declares the code type and encoding algorithm
  • JWS Payload: Includes all the token's claims
  • JWS Signature: Signature signed with JWK

A standard schema of Logto issued JWS Payload: (claims may vary, based on your custom OIDC config)

jtiunique JWT ID
subsubject, usually user-id
iattimestamp token issues at
exptimestamp token expires at
client_idapplication id
isstoken issuer identity
audaudience of the token
scopescopes (permissions) of the token

For development, to visually inspect a JWT token, you could visit a JWT Decoder tool to decode and check the tokens you received. Be careful with or never use the tokens from a production environment. As this is a third party provided public online service, your token may be exposed.

Validate the authorization token

  1. Validating a JWT
  2. Validating the JWS signature
  3. The token's issuer is https://<your-logto-domain>/oidc (issued by your Logto auth server)
  4. The token's audience is equal to the current receiver's resource indicator registered in Logto Admin Console
  5. The token is within its expiration time
  6. (RBAC only) The token has the desired scope

There are various open-source libraries and packages that can help you to validate and decode a JWT token easily. You may pick one and integrate with your backend application based on the language and framework you are using. Please check some of the examples we have:


Logto uses the code-based OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol to make your API request safe. If you are interested in the strategy behind it, refer to OAuth 2.0's specification for more details.


How to test the client-side, Logto, and server-side interaction without building the client?

You can automate this process without needing to build the client. One option is to use a Personal Access Token (PAT). A PAT allows you to simulate client-side authentication by representing a specific user, with different roles and permissions. This can be used to test your server-side logic, such as access token or JWT validation, without the need for a fully built client. To get started, refer to the Personal access token.