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· 2 min read
Logto team
The better identity infrastructure for developers
For our new friends

Every app needs authentication and authorization. Logto is an Auth0 alternative designed for modern apps and SaaS products.

In this article, we will go through the steps to quickly build the Naver sign-in experience (user authentication) with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and  Logto.


Create an application in Logto

In you browser, open a new tab and enter the link of Logto Admin Console.

Get Started

Once the page is loaded, in the "Get Started" section click the View all link to open the application framework list page.

Choose your application type

Framework List

In the opening modal, scroll to the "Single page app" section or filter all the available " Single page app" frameworks using the quick filter checkboxes on the left.

Click the ".NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)" framework card to start creating your application.

Enter application name

Create Application modal

Enter the application name, e.g., "Bookstore," and click "Create application."

🎉 Ta-da! You just created your first application in Logto. You'll see a congrats page which includes a detailed integration guide. Follow the guide to see what the experience will be in your application.

Integrate Logto SDK



Add the NuGet package to your project:

dotnet add package Blorc.OpenIdConnect

Add script references

Include Blorc.Core/injector.js the index.html file:

<!-- ... -->
<script src="_content/Blorc.Core/injector.js"></script>
<!-- ... -->

Register services

Add the following code to the Program.cs file:

using Blorc.OpenIdConnect;
using Blorc.Services;

options =>
builder.Configuration.Bind("IdentityServer", options);

var webAssemblyHost = builder.Build();

await webAssemblyHost
.ConfigureDocumentAsync(async documentService =>
await documentService.InjectBlorcCoreJsAsync();
await documentService.InjectOpenIdConnectAsync();

await webAssemblyHost.RunAsync();

There's no need to use the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication package. The Blorc.OpenIdConnect package will take care of the authentication process.

Configure redirect URIs

Before we dive into the details, here's a quick overview of the end-user experience. The sign-in process can be simplified as follows:

  1. Your app invokes the sign-in method.
  2. The user is redirected to the Logto sign-in page. For native apps, the system browser is opened.
  3. The user signs in and is redirected back to your app (configured as the redirect URI).
Regarding redirect-based sign-in
  1. This authentication process follows the OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol, and Logto enforces strict security measures to protect user sign-in.
  2. If you have multiple apps, you can use the same identity provider (Logto). Once the user signs in to one app, Logto will automatically complete the sign-in process when the user accesses another app.

To learn more about the rationale and benefits of redirect-based sign-in, see Logto sign-in experience explained.


In the following code snippets, we assume your app is running on http://localhost:3000/.

Configure redirect URIs

Switch to the application details page of Logto Console. Add a redirect URI http://localhost:3000/callback.

Redirect URI in Logto Console

Just like signing in, users should be redirected to Logto for signing out of the shared session. Once finished, it would be great to redirect the user back to your website. For example, add http://localhost:3000/ as the post sign-out redirect URI section.

Then click "Save" to save the changes.

Configure application

Add the following code to the appsettings.json file:

// ...
IdentityServer: {
Authority: 'https://<your-logto-endpoint>/oidc',
ClientId: '<your-logto-app-id>',
PostLogoutRedirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/',
RedirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/callback',
ResponseType: 'code',
Scope: 'openid profile', // Add more scopes if needed

Remember to add the RedirectUri and PostLogoutRedirectUri to the list of allowed redirect URIs in the Logto application settings. They are both the URL of your WASM application.

Add AuthorizeView component

In the Razor pages that require authentication, add the AuthorizeView component. Let's assume it's the Home.razor page:

@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Authorization
@page "/"

@* Signed in view *@
<button @onclick="OnLogoutButtonClickAsync">
Sign out
@* Unauthenticated view *@
<button @onclick="OnLoginButtonClickAsync">
Sign in

Set up authentication

In the Home.razor.cs file (create it if it doesn't exist), add the following code:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
using Blorc.OpenIdConnect;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Authorization;

public partial class Home : ComponentBase
public required IUserManager UserManager { get; set; }

public User<Profile>? User { get; set; }

protected Task<AuthenticationState>? AuthenticationStateTask { get; set; }

protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
User = await UserManager.GetUserAsync<User<Profile>>(AuthenticationStateTask!);

private async Task OnLoginButtonClickAsync(MouseEventArgs obj)
await UserManager.SignInRedirectAsync();

private async Task OnLogoutButtonClickAsync(MouseEventArgs obj)
await UserManager.SignOutRedirectAsync();

Once the user is authenticated, the User property will be populated with the user information.

Checkpoint: Test your application

Now, you can test your application:

  1. Run your application, you will see the sign-in button.
  2. Click the sign-in button, the SDK will init the sign-in process and redirect you to the Logto sign-in page.
  3. After you signed in, you will be redirected back to your application and see the sign-out button.
  4. Click the sign-out button to clear local storage and sign out.
Test your integration

Open your .NET Core (Blazor WASM) app to test if the integration works. When you click the "Sign In" button, the page should be redirected to a Logto sign-in page, and you should be able to create a new account by entering username and password and complete the sign-in process.

Add Naver connector

To add a social connector, go to the "Connector" tab in the Admin Console, then click on "Social connectors". From there, click "Add social connector".

Connector tab

In the openning modal, select "Naver" and click "Next".

On the next page, you will see a two-column layout with the README content on the left and configuration on the right.

Feel free to follow the README file in place or read the following section to complete the configuration process. If you follow the in-place guide, you can skip the next section.

Set up Naver login

Developer Site Only Korean Support Now

Currently Naver Developers site only supports Korean. Please consider use a translator.

For the Production

  • For the production, you have to get review from Naver team. Otherwise, only registered users can sign in.
    • You can add a tester from 맴버관리(Member Manage) menu.
  • To get a review, please check 애플리케이션 개발 상태(Application Devlopment Status) from API 설정(API Setting) from your application project setting.

Set up a project in the Naver Developers

  • Visit the Naver Developers and sign in with your Naver account.
  • Click the Application -> 어플리케이션 등록 from the menu to create new project.
  • Follow the instruction below to create application.

Application Name (어플리케이션 이름)

  • Type your application name on 어플리케이션 이름 (This name is shown while a user sign in.)

API Usage (사용 API)

  • Choose 네이버 로그인(Naver Login) for 사용 API(API Usage)
  • Check 이메일 주소(Email Address), 별명(Nickname), 프로필 사진(Profile Image) as 필수(Neccessary) from 권한(Role) (You can check 추가(Add) as optional these options, but you cannot get the information from the user.)

Sign in Open API Service Environment (로그인 오픈 API 서비스 환경)

  • For 로그인 오픈 API 서비스 환경(Sign in Open API Service Environment), add two environment PC웹(PC Web) and 모바일웹(Mobile Web).

PC Web (PC 웹)

Mobile Web (Mobile 웹)

⚠️ Caution

The connector_id can be found on the top bar of the Logto Admin Console connector details page.

Configure Logto

Config types



clientId is Client ID of your project. (You can find it from 애플리케이션 정보(Application Info) of your project from Naver developers.)


clientSecret is Client Secret of your project. (You can find it from 애플리케이션 정보(Application Info) of your project from Naver developers.)

Save your configuration

Double check you have filled out necessary values in the Logto connector configuration area. Click "Save and Done" (or "Save changes") and the Naver connector should be available now.

Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience

Switch to the "Sign-in experience" tab, then click the "Sign-up and sign-in" tab.


If it's the first time you enter the tab, you will see a quick introduction about Sign-in Experience and its basic configuration.

Experience tab

Select "None" for the "Sign-up identifier" to provide minimum sign-up effort for Naver sign-in, which may increase your conversion rate.

In the "Social sign-in" section, add "Add Social Connector" and choose "Naver". Then you should be able to see a button with text "Continue with Naver" in the preview section.

Save changes

Finally, click "Save changes" on the bottom right corner.

Testing and Validation

Return to your .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) app. You should now be able to sign in with Naver. Enjoy!

Further readings

Protect your API For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.

User management We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.

Localization From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.

Customer IAM series Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.