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For our new friends:

Logto is an Auth0 alternative designed for modern apps and SaaS products. It offers both Cloud and Open-source services to help you quickly launch your identity and management (IAM) system. Enjoy authentication, authorization, and multi-tenant management all in one.

We recommend starting with a free development tenant on Logto Cloud. This allows you to explore all the features easily.

In this article, we will go through the steps to quickly build the Apple sign-in experience (user authentication) with Webflow and Logto.


  • A running Logto instance. Check out the introduction page to get started.
  • Basic knowledge of Webflow.
  • A usable Apple account.

Create an application in Logto

Logto is based on OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication and OAuth 2.0 authorization. It supports federated identity management across multiple applications, commonly called Single Sign-On (SSO).

To create your Single page app application, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open the Logto Console. In the "Get started" section, click the "View all" link to open the application frameworks list. Alternatively, you can navigate to Logto Console > Applications, and click the "Create application" button. Get started
  2. In the opening modal, click the "Single page app" section or filter all the available "Single page app" frameworks using the quick filter checkboxes on the left. Click the "Webflow" framework card to start creating your application. Frameworks
  3. Enter the application name, e.g., "Bookstore," and click "Create application".

🎉 Ta-da! You just created your first application in Logto. You'll see a congrats page which includes a detailed integration guide. Follow the guide to see what the experience will be in your application.

Integrate Webflow with Logto


The sample project is available at Webflow project preview.

Init Logto Provider


In the following steps, we assume your Webflow site is running on

In this step, we'll add global-level custom code to your Webflow site. Since NPM is not supported in Webflow, we'll use the CDN service to import the Logto SDK.

Open the "Site settings" page, and navigate to the "Custom code" section. Add the following code to the "Head code" section.

<script type="module">
// Import \`@logto/browser\` SDK from the jsdelivr CDN
import LogtoClient from '';

// Assign the \`logtoClient\` instance to window object,
// enabling global usage in other pages
window.logtoClient = new LogtoClient({
endpoint: '<your-logto-endpoint>', // E.g. http://localhost:3001
appId: '<your-application-id>',

Implement sign-in

Before we dive into the details, here's a quick overview of the end-user experience. The sign-in process can be simplified as follows:

  1. Your app invokes the sign-in method.
  2. The user is redirected to the Logto sign-in page. For native apps, the system browser is opened.
  3. The user signs in and is redirected back to your app (configured as the redirect URI).

Regarding redirect-based sign-in

  1. This authentication process follows the OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol, and Logto enforces strict security measures to protect user sign-in.
  2. If you have multiple apps, you can use the same identity provider (Logto). Once the user signs in to one app, Logto will automatically complete the sign-in process when the user accesses another app.

To learn more about the rationale and benefits of redirect-based sign-in, see Logto sign-in experience explained.

Configure sign-in redirect URI

Let's switch to the Application details page of Logto Console. Add a Redirect URI and click "Save changes".

Redirect URI in Logto Console

Implement a sign-in button

Return to your Webflow designer, drag and drop a "Sign in" button to the home page, and assign it an ID “sign-in” for later reference using getElementById().

<script type="module">
const signInButton = document.getElementById('sign-in');
const onClickSignIn = () => logtoClient.signIn('');
signInButton.addEventListener('click', onClickSignIn);

Handle redirect

We're almost there! In the last step, we use as the Redirect URI, and now we need to handle it properly.

First let's create a "Callback" page in Webflow, and simply put some static text "Redirecting..." on it. Then add the following page-level custom code to "Callback" page.

<script type="module">
(async () => {
// Handle sign-in callback logic by calling the SDK method
await logtoClient.handleSignInCallback(window.location.href);

// Redirect back to the home page when the handling is done

Implement sign-out

Calling .signOut() will clear all the Logto data in memory and localStorage if they exist.

After signing out, it'll be great to redirect your user back to your website. Let's add as one of the Post Sign-out URIs in Admin Console (shows under Redirect URIs), and use the URL as the parameter when calling .signOut().

Implement a sign-out button

Return to the Webflow designer, and add a “Sign out” button on your home page. Similarly, assign an ID “sign-out” to the button, and add the following code to the page-level custom code.

const signOutButton = document.getElementById('sign-out');
const onClickSignOut = () => logtoClient.signOut('');
signOutButton.addEventListener('click', onClickSignOut);

Handle authentication status

In Logto SDK, generally we can use logtoClient.isAuthenticated() method to check the authentication status, if the user is signed in, the value will be true; otherwise, it will be false.

In your Webflow site, you can also use it to programmatically show and hide the sign-in and sign-out buttons. Apply the following custom code to adjust button CSS accordingly.

const isAuthenticated = await logtoClient.isAuthenticated(); = isAuthenticated ? 'none' : 'block'; = isAuthenticated ? 'block' : 'none';

Checkpoint: Test your Webflow site

Now, test your site:

  1. Deploy and visit your site URL, the sign-in button should be visible.
  2. Click the sign-in button, the SDK will initiate the sign-in process, redirecting you to the Logto sign-in page.
  3. After signing in, you will be redirected back to your site, seeing the username and the sign-out button.
  4. Click the sign-out button to sign-out.

Add Apple connector

To enable quick sign-in and improve user conversion, connect with Webflow as an identity provider. The Logto social connector helps you establish this connection in minutes by allowing several parameter inputs.

To add a social connector, simply follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Console > Connectors > Social Connectors.
  2. Click "Add social connector" and select "Apple".
  3. Follow the README guide and complete required fields and customize settings.
Connector tab

If you are following the in-place Connector guide, you can skip the next section.

Set up Apple Sign-in


Apple sign-in is required for AppStore if you have other social sign-in methods in your app. Having Apple sign-in on Android devices is great if you also provide an Android app.

You need to enroll Apple Developer Program before continuing.

Enable Sign in with Apple for your app


Even if you want to implement Sign in with Apple on a web app only, you still need to have an existing app that embraces the AppStore ecosystem (i.e., have a valid App ID).

You can do it via Xcode -> Project settings -> Signing & Capabilities, or visit Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.

Enable Sign in with Apple

See the "Enable an App ID" section in Apple official docs for more info.

Create an identifier

  1. Visit Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, then click the "+" button next to "Identifier".
  2. In the "Register a new identifier" page, choose "Services IDs" and click "Continue".
  3. Fill out "Description" and "Identifier" (E.g., Logto Test and io.logto.test), then click "Continue".
  4. Double-check the info and click "Register".

Enable Sign in with Apple for your identifier

Click the identifier you just created. Check "Sign in with Apple" on the details page and click "Configure".

Enable Sign in with Apple

In the opening modal, select the App ID you just enabled Sign in with Apple.

Enter the domain of your Logto instance without protocol and port, e.g., your.logto.domain; then enter the "Return URL" (i.e., Redirect URI), which is the Logto URL with /callback/${connector_id}, e.g., https://your.logto.domain/callback/apple-universal. You can get the randomly generated connector_id after creating Apple connector in Admin Console.

Domain and URL

Click "Next" then "Done" to close the modal. Click "Continue" on the top-right corner, then click "Save" to save your configuration.


Apple does NOT allow Return URLs with HTTP protocol and localhost domain.

If you want to test locally, you need to edit /etc/hosts file to map localhost to a custom domain and set up a local HTTPS environment. mkcert can help you for setting up local HTTPS.

Configure scope

To get user's email from Apple, you need to configure the scope to include email. For both email and name, you can use name email as the scope. See Apple official docs for more info.


The user may choose to hide their email address from your app. In this case, you will not be able to retrieve the real email address. An email address like [email protected] will be returned instead.

Save your configuration

Double check you have filled out necessary values in the Logto connector configuration area. Click "Save and Done" (or "Save changes") and the Apple connector should be available now.

Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience

Once you create a social connector successfully, you can enable it as a "Continue with Apple" button in Sign-in Experience.

  1. Navigate to Console > Sign-in experience > Sign-up and sign-in.
  2. (Optional) Choose "Not applicable" for sign-up identifier if you need social login only.
  3. Add configured Apple connector to the "Social sign-in" section.
Experience tab

Testing and Validation

Return to your Webflow app. You should now be able to sign in with Apple. Enjoy!

Further readings

End-user flows: Logto provides a out-of-the-box authentication flows including MFA and enterprise SSO, along with powerful APIs for flexible implementation of account settings, security verification, and multi-tenant experience.

Authorization: Authorization defines the actions a user can do or resources they can access after being authenticated. Explore how to protect your API for native and single-page applications and implement Role-based Access Control (RBAC).

Organizations: Particularly effective in multi-tenant SaaS and B2B apps, the organization feature enable tenant creation, member management, organization-level RBAC, and just-in-time-provisioning.

Customer IAM series Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.